ok. the comments aren't working. they _act_ like they work, but they don't. if you put in a comment it won't get displayed and it won't get saved.
i'm working on figuring out exactly why...
my gamecube just crashed. it's done it before, multiple times, but previously only while i was playing fifa 2003. i assumed it must have been ea's fault.
but legend of zelda wind waker just crashed. nintendo's own game on their console and it crashed. at the end of a mini-dungeon too, right as i was opening the chest containing the triforce peace on outset island. horrible timing. really pisses me off.
i don't know what the deal is. it's not just gamecube either. i've had ps2 crashes (although i can't remember exactly what... i think i've had a number in gta vice city...). anyway, consoles shouldn't crash. that's what pc's are for. actually my pc (a mac actually) is extremely stable.
maybe my console needs protected memory. games aren't getting any simpler and programmer's aren't making any less mistakes – and they're not going to. the only real solution is expect this kind of crap and design things in such a way that when (not if) something breaks the whole damn game doesn't freeze up.
don't tell me stability isn't possible. it is, and i expect it. the end.
radio in dallas doesn't suck all the time. and i'm not talkinig about satellite radio, i'm talking about good old free fm radio.
there's atleast one decent show on a clear channel station. **gasp** ... i know, clear channel is the devil. but i really still enjoy the adventure club with josh sunday nights on the edge (currently 102.1, previously 94.5). he plays great new music –not just the stuff that the record industry feeds everyone– and lots of local stuff. great diverse tunes, local scene support, and a rockin dj. what more could you want?
knon– the voice of the people. community radio rules. too bad they're internet broadcast doesn't work.