January 15, 2003

art vs copyright

i had two gut reactions to eldred vs. ashcroft.

the first is to just give a big "fuck you" to the man. start blatantly violating copyright law, distribute flyers, get sued. we could have contests to see who can get a cease and decist letter first. lots of fun stuff.

i might be a little rebellious though. and honestly, i don't really want disney to steal everything i have. and i've been told they could.

so my second idea: how about playing around with some things. working with images, doing what i do anyway, make art. i'm planning on doing a series of "influenced" works. oddly enough, in the current commercial enviroment most of the images found today are ©. in fact, almost all are. call it art, call it found digital shit, call it blatant theft. i don't really care. i'm just doing my thing.

Posted by rett at January 15, 2003 10:00 PM | TrackBack
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