there's a huge grey area around bootlegs. i'm not sure what the law says, but i think the deal is; if you don't ever make a profit off the recording you can't get in trouble. (i'd love a lawyer to explain the details of all this to me); that or get a colo box somewhere that doesn't believe in copyright (does sucha place exist?).
anyway. people used to trade tapes. but we all know that's stupid. somebody explained bittorrent and lossless encoding to all those people that used to trade tapes, and they implemented a very very good seamless webwite that facilitates the downloading of live music via bittorrent. and it's really cool. and i think it will be BIG. soon. like. really big. i can't wait.
those people were the d00ds at . they rock. and btw, is where it's at.
Posted by rett at October 15, 2004 04:59 AM | TrackBack