I went on a little roadtrip today from Dallas to San Antonio.
I brough along with me my current mobile arsenal; my 15" albook, my motorola v600 (service w/cingular), my Belkin bluetooth GPS reciever, and some other various but not nearly as cool accessories.
I was able to use my v600 to get online via gprs connection. Everything worked perfectly with the help of the GPRS scripts from http://www.taniwha.org.uk/ . I made a few minor configuration errors at first - I entered *99 as the the phone number to dial via ppp, but the scripts already dial that part for you, so it's unnecessary. Silly me. Once that was fixed everything worked perfectly. A GPRS connection isn't quite the same as my dsl at home... but hey, it works, and it's pretty fucking cool to be able to be online anywhere anytime without any cables. Bluetooth really is the shit.
Sadly I can't say I've had as good of luck with the Belkin GPS. It pairs up fine with my powerbook, but so far I haven't gotten it to be recognized by any of the GPS/Mapping software I've used. I actually bought Route 66 2004 for mac, and it doesn't even work with the darn thing. It seems to recognize that there is a gps device on some odd port "/dev/cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync Bluetooth-PDA-Sync". Even then it gives some crap about the gps device being unnaccesable or some shit. I'm hoping I can work some magic with the Bluetooth Serial Utility and maybe that will get everything working. Stay tuned.
Posted by rett at June 21, 2004 01:44 AM | TrackBack